Officially The Best Rust Server Provider - Tempest Hosting

Tempest Hosting is climbing the ranks and is now number one for player population in Rust!
Tempest Hosting has climbed the ranks! Let's talk about it.

Before we begin with this exciting news, this is a very bold claim so we'll carefully go over how we got here and the data to back it up! We are incredibly proud to say that per-player population within the game of Rust we are the number one server provider out there! Let's get started by going over who we are, displaying the facts, and if this means you'll have just as much success as a majority of our customers have experienced.

Who is Tempest Hosting?

We are a forward-thinking and innovation-driven server provider hosted on the most powerful network available,, which has easily overtaken some of the largest attacks with minimal, or zero impact to any customers as well as their players! Originated in Phoenix Arizona in early 2020 with other headquarters worldwide, the birth of Tempest has wildly shook the scene in such a short period of its existence, primarily due to our incredibly high expectation of consistency, reliability, and customer support in every aspect of our business!

Lastly, our network and team aren't the only things we have high expectations for but as well our hardware and datacenters at which they're stored! We utilize what's referred to as tier 4 datacenters which in short means they're the best of the best. On a total scale of 4 different data center types, tier 4 is the most tolerable to anything such as power reliability, cooling, staffing, and much more which is why we only use them!

"Best" is a big claim! Show me the Facts

You're right! Let's get to the details.

Below you'll see a graph of the current top hosts within Rust. This visual indicates the player count at which each host holds within Rust specifically. At a lower amount of total servers deployed at a total of 197 machines to customers, Tempest still wildly holds the highest player count! This means on average our machines hold 83 players per machine! A few of those customers have even surpassed an incredible feat of over 1000 players within their server at once!

Visual chart of the top 4 Rust server hosting companies
Information queried from all public server data from the Rust master list

We will add, that the other hosts do have impressive stats as well as we understand what it takes to get to these values. Hats off to the ones mentioned as well within this Rust-specific topic!

So I'll have a populated Rust server with Tempest?

Nobody can promise such a claim as ensuring that you'll have a population if you use their service. With that said, we personally can ensure that you'll be within the majority that does experience success and will experience our groundbreaking network and DDoS defensive network in addition to our awesome team at Tempest and Path!

Get in touch with us!

Check out our services and available machines at
Chat with the team on our Discord!